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April 18

BBS: Announced 12-16 weeks for processing applications

Back in February, the BBS posted on their website that the current processing time for MFT applications is running about 12-16 weeks.  If you’ve already submitted your application and are wondering where you are in the process, the BBS website frequently updates what ‘week’ of submitted applications they are currently working on.  For the week … Continued

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March 3

BBS Updates: March 3, 2010

The BBS website has been updated to include the following information: The Board and Committee Meeting calendar for 2010 has been updated and can be found on the Board Meeting page. The Committees page has been updated to reflect Tracy Rhine’s appointment as Assistant Executive Officer as well as new Committee’s and members for the … Continued

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February 21

2010 Experience Verification Form Added

We are happy to let you know that we just added the 2010 Experience Verification Form to the TYH 2010 version of TrackYourHours. We hope to have the 2010 Reports section added in about a week.

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December 28

New Year, New Rules…New TrackYourHours!

UPDATE: We are planning to launch the 2010 version of TYH on or before January 15th! By now you should all be aware of the new BBS rules that go into effect January 1, 2010. If not, you can read all about it and download some of the BBS docs related to the changes here. … Continued

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November 2


In case you haven’t heard, the BBS is making some big changes to the MFT supervised experience requirements for hours earned on or after January 1, 2010. Before we get into the specifics, we want to let all of you in the TYH community know that we are working to update TrackYourHours to comply with … Continued

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September 28

Your reading pleasure…

In case you don’t have enough to read……. We here at TrackYourHour recommend that you have an understanding of the Statutes and Regulations that the BBS has so thougthfully prepared for your reading pleasure. The Board’s Statutes and Regulations contain sections of the California Business and Professions Code and the California Code of Regulations. The … Continued

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July 17

TYH FAQ: Supervision Hours

We receive a lot of emails from TYH users who are curious why they are “missing” hours from some categories when they go to print out a form or are reviewing their totals in the reports area of the software. In every instance, we found that there was a misunderstanding about the rules of supervision … Continued

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