The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) recently announced that effective January 1, 2018, Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Interns will be referred to as “Associate Marriage and Family Therapists” or “Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapists,” and Professional Clinical Counselor Interns will be referred to as “Associate Professional Clinical Counselors” or “Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselors.”
TrackYourHours will be keeping a close eye on the BBS’ website as these changes are rolled out. Once the BBS updates its forms, TrackYourHours will update its forms as well, so you won’t have to worry about whether the forms you’re printing out are accurate after January 1, 2018. TrackYourHours will also be updating other areas of its site to reflect the new title changes after January 1, 2018.
You can learn more about the reasoning behind these changes by reading this publication from the BBS. Please note that these title changes will not affect how registrants currently accrue hours toward licensure.